"The Institute at Cal Poly is an ideal staging ground for technologies that have the chance to positively affect both policy and citizen life.”

-Sam Blakeslee, Ph.D., Founding Director


Projects at the Institute for Advanced Technology and Public Policy (IATPP) address a spectrum of national and global challenges with a unifying strategy: applying technology to craft practical, near-term solutions.

AI for Reporters

An AI-driven digital wire service that can automatically generate news articles, drafts and associated media content from structured legislative information sources.

Industry: Journalism, Media
Problem: Media consolidation has left statehouses without serious news coverage
Researchers: Khosmood, Grace, Dekhtyar, Klimashevskaya, students at Cal Poly and University of Miami 

Feb. 13, 2020 Press Release

Digital Democracy

Industry: Government
Problem: There is no written record of statehouse legislative proceedings at any US State
Researchers: Dekhtyar, Khosmood, Falessi, Kurfess, Latner, Howe, Kuboi, students

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Anti Bot and Influence Operations

Botnets are used to generate commercial spam postings on internet forums, but have they also been employed for political influence operations? We aim to find out by intentionally attracting Botnets using Honeypot networks.

Industry: Government / Elections
Problem: Influence operations on elections
Researchers: Khosmood, DeBruhl

Panoptyk Information Engine

Panoptyk Engine A game engine allowing for simulation of information exchange in society, Panoptyk would enable game designers to create playable, education-al content around trust, “fake news”, verifiability of events and misinformation.

Industry: Media, Education, Interactive Entertainment
Problem: Tracking patterns across information economies
Researchers: Lin, Miller, Mendonca, Khosmood

IOT Data Privacy and Security

We aim to study a selection of IoT devices and objectively record and analyse when, why and where they transmit information to outside sources.

Industry: Internet of Things Devices
Problem: Privacy/Security Concerns
Researchers: Khosmood, DeBruhl

Legislative "Language of Success"

Using state legislative transcripts and vote outcomes in thousands of bills, predict the best and most effective phrases, grammatical constructions.

Industry: Politics, Public Advocacy
Problem: With very limited time and resources, public advocacy nonprofits need help with crafting language in testimonies and legislation

Researchers: Pantoja, Khosmood, Latner

African Californios

Exploring Spanish colonial demographic records in California to estimate the number of Californios of African descent who lived and worked in the state.

Problem: African Californio records were recorded with special phrases describing the race of individuals. What can we learn about their descendents in the 19th century? See AfricanCalifornios.org

Researchers: Jones, Khosmood

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