Research Areas
Against a backdrop of AI and technology disrupting multiple fields, we are an agile research institution with world-leading expertise in the democratic, social and life sciences, engineering, business and design. We are recognized for our applied and technological research and for our industry-focused, collaborative work. Our tech portfolio leverages AI, machine learning, records analysis, autonomous vehicles, deep fake detection, education tech, data mining, NLP, and more advanced technologies.

Jones, C., Witulski, E. and Khosmood, F. "African Californios: Uncovering the African past of Spanish and Mexican California using Data Science Methods", in Proceedings of Digital Humanities 2023 Conference, Graz, Austria, July 2023. pp 480-481
Grace, J., and Khosmood, F. "Feature Engineering for US State Legislative Hearings: Stance, Affiliation, Engagement and Absentees", in Proceedings of Digital Humanities 2023 Conference, Graz, Austria, July 2023. pp 303-305
Howe, P., Khosmood, F., Grace, L., and Robertson, C., "REPORTER-DESIRED FEATURES FOR AI NEWS TIP SHEET", International Symposium on Online Journalism (ISOJ), April, 2022.
Klimashevskaia A., Gadgil R., Gerrity T., Khosmood F., Gütl C., Howe P., Automatic News Article Generation from Legislative Proceedings: A Phenom-Based Approach. In: Espinosa-Anke L., Martín-Vide C., Spasić I. (eds) Statistical Language and Speech Processing. SLSP 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13062. Springer, Cham. November, 2021.
Nathani, S., Jenkins, R., Khosmood, F., and Robertson, C. "Exploring Gaps in California Proposition 54 (2016)", IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society (IEEE ISTAS), Waterloo, Canada, October 2021.
Grace, J., and Khosmood, F. "Feature Engineering for US State Legislative Hearings: Stance, Affiliation, Engagement and Absentees", arXiv, September 2021.
Ruprechter, T., Khosmood, F., and Gütl, C. "Deconstructing Human-assisted Video Transcription and Annotation for Legislative Proceedings", Digit. Gov. Res. Pract., Vol. 1, No. 3, Article 19, Publication date: November 2020.
Miller, M., Mendonca, S., Philliber, N., and Khosmood, F., "Panoptyk: Information Driven MMO Engine", Foundations of Digital Games, San Luis Obispo, California, USA, August 2019.
Zinkus, M., Khosmood F., and DeBruhl, B., "PIDIoT: Probabilistic Intrusion Detection for the Internet-of-Things," 2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Waikoloa, HI, USA, 2019, pp. 1-6, 10.1109/GLOBECOM38437.2019.9013264
Falessi, D., Hernandez, F., and Khosmood, F., “Issue Tracking Systems: What Developers Want and Use”, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Software Technologies, ICSOFT, Porto, Portugal, July 2018.
Budhwar, A., Kuboi, T., Dekhtyar, A., and Khosmood, F., “Predicting the Vote Using Legislative Speech”, Proceedings of the 19th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research: Governance in the Data Age, Delft, Netherlands, May 2018.
Kauffman, D., Williams, M., Washington, C., Socher, G. and Khosmood, F., “Multimodal speaker identification in legislative discourse”, Proceedings of the 19th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research: Governance in the Data Age, Delft, Netherlands, May 2018.
Ruprechter, T., Khosmood, F., Kuboi, T., Dekhtyar, A. and Gütl, C., “Gaining efficiency in human assisted transcription and speech annotation in legislative proceedings”, Proceedings of the 19th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research: Governance in the Data Age, Delft, Netherlands, May 2018.
Kauffman, D., Khosmood, F., Kuboi, T. and Dekhtyar, A., “Learning alignments from legislative discourse”, Proceedings of the 19th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research: Governance in the Data Age, Delft, Netherlands, May 2018.
Ehm, A., Socher, G. and Khosmood, F., “3D visualization of legislative relationships”, Proceedings of the 19th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research: Governance in the Data Age, Delft, Netherlands, May 2018.
Latner, M., Dekhtyar, A., Khosmood, F., Angelini, N., and Voorhees, A., “Measuring Legislative Behavior: An Exploration of”, California Journal of Politics and Policy, 2017.
Blakeslee, S., Dekhtyar, A., Khosmood, F., Kurfess, F., Poschman, H., Prinzivalli, G., Robertson, C., Durst, S., “Digital Democracy Project: Making Government More Transparent One Video at a Time”, Digital Humanities Conference, Sydney, Australia, June 2015.