"The Institute at Cal Poly is an ideal staging ground for technologies that have the chance to positively affect both policy and citizen life.”

-Sam Blakeslee, Ph.D., Founding Director

IATPP discusses AI with California's LHC

The Institute for Advanced Technology and Public Policy (IATPP) was invited to the Spring session of the Little Hoover Commission (LHC) on the subject of Artificial Intelligence. The LHC functions as a publicly funded think tank with non-partisan mission of conducting research and informing the rest of the California state government of important policy implications.

IATTP founder, Sam Blakeslee and Sr. Research Fellows Foaad Khosmood and Elise St. John traveled to San Francisco to take part in the discussion. Blakeslee and Khosmood, drawing on their experience with Digital Democracy urged the government to produce better quality machine-readable records that can be better analyzed by citizens and researchers alike.

The group also discussed implications of AI with respect to workforce education, privacy and ethics. Other invited guests included representatives from Microsoft, IBM, Adobe, and Governors office on Technology.

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